The Glass-Steagall Act was an effort to reign in banking & financial institutions. |
The bill was sponsored by Senator Carter Glass and Representative Henry B. Steagall |
Carter Glass (D) VA and Henry B. Steagall (D) AL |
FDR signs the Glass-Steagall Act, June 16, 1933. This was a protection for the country. |
Bill Clinton signs Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, November 12, 1999, killing the Glass-Steagall Act |
You have to wonder about the impetus for destroying FDR's protective act on banking. ($$$) |
The economic collapse of 2007-2008 was influenced by the destruction of Glass-Steagall. |
Like the national fleecing in 1929, the uber-wealthy became much richer because of the crash. |
Just Like the Ruby Red Slippers, Ending the Fed is the Only Way to Get Back Home Again |
Two quotes stand out from these pictures: "Like father like son," and "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." |